GyártóJG Works / Jing Gong
Kategóriák Válltámaszok és kiegészítők
Elérhetőség raktáron
Expedíció 24 - 48 óra
The adapter is designed for G36 type to M4 stock, which is made of plastic. The application of the adapter allows to change the standard side-folding stock into a folding stock, which is used on M4 type weapons.
Súly: 60g
Anyag: Az attribútum nincs beállítva
The adapter is designed for G36 type to M4 stock, which is made of plastic. The application of the adapter allows to change the standard side-folding stock into a folding stock, which is used on M4 type weapons.
Anyag: Az attribútum nincs beállítva