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Sig Sauer airgun 1911 Spartan 4,5mm CO2 GBB

Sig Sauer airgun 1911 Spartan 4,5mm CO2 GBB

GyártóSig Sauer


Kategóriák Légfegyverek

Elérhetőség Elfogyott

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62 675 Ft ÁFA-val
Tétel hozzáadása a kedvencekhez Tétel hozzáadása a kedvencekhez
  • A high-quality version of the world-famous Sig Sauer model Spartan 1911 pistol in the form of an air CO2 pistol in cal. 4.5 mm. The Spartan Edition is a design treatment of the classic SigSauer 1911 model. This all-metal air pistol includes a blow back function for a realistic feel. The steel barrel guarantees resistance to BB 4.5mm steel ammunition. The CO2 12g bomb, which ensures the operation of the weapon, is inserted directly into the handle of the weapon. The recoil slider remains locked after the last shot, adding to the sense of realism. The gun is equipped with a safety device against an accidental shot. Each 1911 is equipped with functional controls and has the same weight as real steel to make your shooting as authentic as possible.

    The package includes a gun and a magazine.

  • Súly: 1180g

    Tűzmód: Semi

    Anyag: Full Metal

    Tárkapacitás: 16

    Fegyver hossza [mm]: 221

    Tár típusa: Low-Cap

    Blow Back: Igen

  • Leírás

    A high-quality version of the world-famous Sig Sauer model Spartan 1911 pistol in the form of an air CO2 pistol in cal. 4.5 mm. The Spartan Edition is a design treatment of the classic SigSauer 1911 model. This all-metal air pistol includes a blow back function for a realistic feel. The steel barrel guarantees resistance to BB 4.5mm steel ammunition. The CO2 12g bomb, which ensures the operation of the weapon, is inserted directly into the handle of the weapon. The recoil slider remains locked after the last shot, adding to the sense of realism. The gun is equipped with a safety device against an accidental shot. Each 1911 is equipped with functional controls and has the same weight as real steel to make your shooting as authentic as possible.

    The package includes a gun and a magazine.

  • Technikai paraméterek

    Tűzmód: Semi

    Anyag: Full Metal

    Tárkapacitás: 16

    Fegyver hossza [mm]: 221

    Tár típusa: Low-Cap

    Blow Back: Igen

Hasonló termékek

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    A legrégebbi airsoft webáruház Szlovákiában

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    Több mint 50.000 készleten lévő, azonnal szállítható áru

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    24-48 órás szállítási idővel rendelkező áruk raktáron vannak.



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