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Sig Sauer airgun 1911 Max Michel 4,5mm CO2 GBB

Sig Sauer airgun 1911 Max Michel 4,5mm CO2 GBB

GyártóSig Sauer


Kategóriák Légfegyverek

Elérhetőség Elfogyott

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62 675 Ft ÁFA-val
Tétel hozzáadása a kedvencekhez Tétel hozzáadása a kedvencekhez
  • A high-quality version of the world-famous Sig Sauer Max Michel 1911 pistol in the form of an air CO2 pistol in cal. 4.5 mm. On the butt of the gun is the signature of the world-famous American sports shooter Max Michel. This model features an up to 16-round magazine for steel balls, manual trigger safety, SA (Single Action) trigger system, bottom rail (22 mm) and a muzzle velocity of up to 130 m/s. The real shooting experience is provided by the Blow-Back system, thanks to which the barrel moves with every shot, like a real self-loading weapon. The frame of the weapon and the bolt are made of metal. The CO2 12 g cartridge is inserted into the stock and lasts approximately 50 shots. This model looks very realistic thanks to its processing and weight of 950 g. One of the few CO2 pistols in which you install a CO2 cartridge without the use of tools or manually screwing the pressure screw, you just flip out the back of the stock, insert the CO2 cartridge, return the back to its original position, and the cartridge itself will properly stick on the valve. The barrel is grooved.

    The package includes a gun and a magazine.

  • Súly: 950g

    Tűzmód: Semi

    Anyag: Fém

    Tárkapacitás: 16

    Fegyver hossza [mm]: 221

    Tár típusa: Low-Cap

    Belső cső hossza: 130

    Blow Back: Igen

    Energia: 3J

    Torkolati sebesség [FPS]: 410

  • Leírás

    A high-quality version of the world-famous Sig Sauer Max Michel 1911 pistol in the form of an air CO2 pistol in cal. 4.5 mm. On the butt of the gun is the signature of the world-famous American sports shooter Max Michel. This model features an up to 16-round magazine for steel balls, manual trigger safety, SA (Single Action) trigger system, bottom rail (22 mm) and a muzzle velocity of up to 130 m/s. The real shooting experience is provided by the Blow-Back system, thanks to which the barrel moves with every shot, like a real self-loading weapon. The frame of the weapon and the bolt are made of metal. The CO2 12 g cartridge is inserted into the stock and lasts approximately 50 shots. This model looks very realistic thanks to its processing and weight of 950 g. One of the few CO2 pistols in which you install a CO2 cartridge without the use of tools or manually screwing the pressure screw, you just flip out the back of the stock, insert the CO2 cartridge, return the back to its original position, and the cartridge itself will properly stick on the valve. The barrel is grooved.

    The package includes a gun and a magazine.

  • Technikai paraméterek

    Tűzmód: Semi

    Anyag: Fém

    Tárkapacitás: 16

    Fegyver hossza [mm]: 221

    Tár típusa: Low-Cap

    Belső cső hossza: 130

    Blow Back: Igen

    Energia: 3J

    Torkolati sebesség [FPS]: 410

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    A legrégebbi airsoft webáruház Szlovákiában

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    Több mint 50.000 készleten lévő, azonnal szállítható áru

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    A küldemények nyomon követése a feladást követően Track and Trace

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    24-48 órás szállítási idővel rendelkező áruk raktáron vannak.



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